Sunday 10 April 2011

Project Task Week 3 :

What we aim to complete:
1. brainstorm on the ways to present scrapbook.
2. Complete scrapbook visuals.
3. Sketch Tae-yul's bicycle progress.
4. Sketch everyday life of Tae-yul's
5. Write and compose the letters and posts.
6. Complete the flag of Korea

What we have completed:
1. Ways to present scrapbook. ( include bicycle parts, illusrations of the progress of th bicycle, and everyday life of Tae-yul, Korean flag.)
2. Composed some of the letters and journal entries.
3. Sketches of Tae-yul's everyday life.

What we have not complete:
1. Sketches of Tae-yul's bicycle progress.
2. The rest of the posts and journals entries.
3. Flag of Korea.
4. Scrapbook visuals.

Areas to improve on:
1. Complete the sketches.
2. Make the flag of korea look old

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