Monday 11 April 2011

Letter To Author(Linda Sue Park)

Dear Ms Park,
The book you wrote, “When My Name Was Keoko”, was an exact depiction of my life in the past. It brings back many memories of what happened in my life in the past. I was a teenager when the war occurred and my uncle joined the resistance due to his hatred towards the Japanese. There were many similar events in the book that happen in my life, such as the resistance newspaper printing and the cutting down of all Sharon trees. The book was also a great inspiration for my great-grandson. He began to ask me questions about the life as a Korean after he read the book. He just could not put the book down. This was the first I saw him so engrossed in a book. He told me that when he grows up, he would want to be a successful writer just like you!
I would like to thank you for bringing back the memories of my past and giving my great-grandson the motivation to be successful in life.
Rhee Jae-Sun

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