Sunday 10 April 2011

Diary entry( Hyeung-Nim's Diary)

13th May 1942   
Dear diary,
Today, my house was raided by the Japanese police, to search for treasonous writing, which was told to be in the house. However, in the end, they ended up finding some of Abuji’s work and Hyeung-Nim’s diary. The soldier who saw Hyeung-Nim’s diary was disgusted at the writings that he gestured his subordinate to throw it into the stove and burn it and Hyeng-Nim could do nothing but look at her diary burn. Even when she reaches her hand into the fire, to retrieve what was left of the book, only a few pieces of paper covered in soot were retrieved, with the rest turned to ash. Although we were angry, there was nothing we could do about it, as the Japanese were the boss of everything.

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