Sunday 10 April 2011

Letter to parents ( When Jae-Sun first entered the army)

28th August 1944
Dear family,
It has been a while since you heard from me. I am writing this letter today to tell you that I am coping fine in the army, and that you need not worry for me. I am able to cope with the strict rules, and not get punished for any wrong doing.
Speaking of which, have you all received the supplies from the army? How is Hyeung-nim coping in her studies? Anyway, I also learnt many things from the army, for example, how to wash your own clothes and to patch any hole found. We also have to memorise the Emperor’s words of wisdom and inspiration. We also have to do many military training in order to build up our strength and stamina. Barley, a little dried fish, vegetables or pickles, food in the army in not  appealing, but it would give you all an easier life. Although the army needs to go for war, we still have to study about the ways of infiltrating our enemy’s base, and I thought that school was a dread. We also learn how to take apart our guns to clean them before and after using it. The army even told us that in war, our gun are our wives, without them, we are nothing. Even when it was time to sleep, we could barely catch a few winks, before being awaken by our commanders to recite the Imperial Rescript                                                                                                                                                                                              
That is all that I am writing today; hope to hear from you soon.
                                        With the deepest affection,
                                                         Your son and brother

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