Sunday 10 April 2011

Letter to parents ( When becoming a kamikaze fighter)

15th June 1944
Dear family,
How have you been? Today, I am able to live up to the Rhee family, as I will be taking part in a special task that would involve a hugh amount of sacrifice.
I am willing to take up this task, as no insult from the Japanese goes unchallenged. You may not know why I am doing this, as I may not have been clear in my previous letter. I am part of the special force, called the Kamikaze. I know that you may think that I am a traitor, for taking part in such thing. However, I am doing this in order to prove the Japanese wrong about the Koreans. I am also doing this in honour of uncle. I will be flying off tomorrow, not to bomb the Americans, but to crash a plane on purpose, so that it will cripple the Japanese one way or another. I know that this will cause you some hurt, but please do remember that your son did it for our family and our country, but not for the Japanese.
Tomorrow, I will be flying off to the mission. I wish you all the best in a ways. And to Hyeung-Nim, please do work hard and do our family proud. I apologise that I am not able to meet upfront to tell you about this. All I need now is the assurance of my family.
                                                       Your son and brother,
                                                               Rhee Jae-Sun

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