Sunday 10 April 2011

Letter To Uncle

30th September 1943
Dear Uncle,
I am deeply in sorrow, now that you left our house. The war is becoming worse and worse every day. I am sorry to say but I lost the bicycle that we assembled, days ago. Two Japanese soldiers took it away as it can be used as a mode of transport for the war.
Hyeung-Nim keeps on asking me where you went and how you are. She has grown to be a persistent sister. She knows that you told me your whereabouts and your position in the opposition. She will follow me wherever I go and ask me when she has the chance. What kind of sister does that? A few days ago, some Japanese soldiers raided our house in search for some treasonous writing. In the end, the soldiers only found Hyeung-Nim's diary. They flipped through the diary for a while and then they threw the diary into the stove to burn it. I guessed that she wrote something bad about the Japanese empire which made the soldiers furious.
Uncle, you are my only form of motivation and inspiration. I really hope that the war would end so you can come back to stay with us in our house.

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