Friday 22 April 2011

Progress Checklist Week 5

What we aim to complete by WEDNESDAY:
  • touch up events, diary entries and artefacts
  • Label and organize items
  • Find a box for the project
  • Finalize on all the artefacts
  • Finalize product
What we have completed:
  • All scrapbook entries
  • Flag and Kanji artefacts

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Bits And Pieces Of The End Project.

This pictures are of the sequence of our diary entry papers. It was originally an A4 drawing block which then was soaked in coffee to add the brown coloured effect.Then,it was slightly burned at the sides and in the middle,before it was written on.After writing the diary entries,it was slightly burnt again.We decided to do this so that our scrapbook will look more realistic.

Draft Of Diary Entries

This picture is off most of the letter entry we did,printed out. This was our draft.We decided not to use this as it didn't show that it had been preserved. Therefore,we redid everything on an old looking paper that had been burnt.These includes the letter to Mrs Park and his letters to his family.

Research On Paper Origami(Sharon Tree)

This is the research for the paper origami. We decided to remake the Sharon Tree Leaf with this paper origami,although it does not resemble a leaf of a Sharon Tree.The leaf is remade,as a symbol of memory of the Sharon Tree they had,that had been cut down.

PS; The URL is slightly different as our research had been modified and re-written on microsoft word.


Tuesday 19 April 2011

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Progress Checklist Week 4

What we aim to complete:
  • finalize letter to the author
  • complete all diary entries and letters
  • finalize sketches
  • finalize artefacts
  • find a box to submit the work
  • finish scrapbook
What we have completed:
  • All journal entries
  • 3 letters
  • Korean flag (Artefact)
  • Burnt kanji (Artefact)
  • 1 sketch
What we have not yet completed:
  • Letter to author
  • Bicycle chain (Artefact)
  • Sharon leaf (Artefact)
  • Paper crane (Artefact)

Monday 11 April 2011

Letter To Author(Linda Sue Park)

Dear Ms Park,
The book you wrote, “When My Name Was Keoko”, was an exact depiction of my life in the past. It brings back many memories of what happened in my life in the past. I was a teenager when the war occurred and my uncle joined the resistance due to his hatred towards the Japanese. There were many similar events in the book that happen in my life, such as the resistance newspaper printing and the cutting down of all Sharon trees. The book was also a great inspiration for my great-grandson. He began to ask me questions about the life as a Korean after he read the book. He just could not put the book down. This was the first I saw him so engrossed in a book. He told me that when he grows up, he would want to be a successful writer just like you!
I would like to thank you for bringing back the memories of my past and giving my great-grandson the motivation to be successful in life.
Rhee Jae-Sun

Sunday 10 April 2011

Picture of Kanji Writing

This is the picture of the kanji writing Tae-Yul did when Sun-Hee was teaching him. Tae-Yul was not as good at kanji writing as his sister,Sun-Hee.Therefore,this picture of kanji writing isn't well done.The paper had been burnt as the soldiers burnt all the writing found at their home during the house search. This was the piece they were able to save.(Inspiration from the book,"When My Name Was Keoko")

Letter To Uncle

30th September 1943
Dear Uncle,
I am deeply in sorrow, now that you left our house. The war is becoming worse and worse every day. I am sorry to say but I lost the bicycle that we assembled, days ago. Two Japanese soldiers took it away as it can be used as a mode of transport for the war.
Hyeung-Nim keeps on asking me where you went and how you are. She has grown to be a persistent sister. She knows that you told me your whereabouts and your position in the opposition. She will follow me wherever I go and ask me when she has the chance. What kind of sister does that? A few days ago, some Japanese soldiers raided our house in search for some treasonous writing. In the end, the soldiers only found Hyeung-Nim's diary. They flipped through the diary for a while and then they threw the diary into the stove to burn it. I guessed that she wrote something bad about the Japanese empire which made the soldiers furious.
Uncle, you are my only form of motivation and inspiration. I really hope that the war would end so you can come back to stay with us in our house.

Diary Entry ( The ending where Tae-yul returned to his family)

15th June 1945
Dear Diary,
The world war has finally come to an end! Now that it is over, Korea is free again. The Koreans no longer need to follow the commands of the Japanese or learn the Japanese Language. The best thing is that we can all change back to our Korean names! Abuji, Omoni and Sun-hee were all rejoicing when I stepped into the house hours ago. The feeling of happiness and the bonds between our family has been gone for quite a while. Now it is back and it is stronger than ever before. The sensation that is in me that wants to lurch out cannot be expressed in words. The only word that comes to my mind is home. It is the one and only place where you can feel safe and happy.

Re-made Korean Flag

We decided to re-make the Korean flag and burn it half-way.Just like what the Japanese did to the Korean flags.This is the picture of the flag,before it was burn. As you can see,its dirty and old.Inspiration from the research done,in the several previous post. (the flag was not burnt as I was scared to burn it,sorry)

Diary Entry (Bicycle Taken Away)

19th April 1942
Dear Diary,
Today, my bicycle got taken away by two Japanese Soldiers. That was the only object that reminds me of Uncle when he is away. Uncle and I took days and nights to assemble that bicycle, and it was just taken away like that! Abuji was next to me at the scene to witness the crime. The two Japanese soldiers addressed Abuji as Sensei, meaning that they respected him. When the soldiers asked Abuji if they can take the bicycle to the palace and use it as a form of transport in the war, he said yes without even arguing. The action that made me feel angry was that he gave up something his son loved to the Japanese. Nothing can replace that bicycle of mine. Nothing.

Diary Entry (Learning of Kanji)

24th February 1942
Dear Diary,
Today, Abuji told Hyeung-Nim to teach me Kanji every weekend. I hate Kanji! It is the worse subject that I ever fare in. When my little sister teaches, she speaks in the proud tone which makes me feel that I am of a lower authority. To me, Kanji is just another foreign language we Koreans have to learn. Abuji is the vice-principal of the school. Abuji can put a stop to all this nonsense about Kanji lessons. However, Abuji thinks that Kanji is a language we can all use to communicate with one another, thus it is valuable. Am I the only one who hates Kanji?

Diary entry( Cutting down of Sharon Tree)

13th March 1942
Dear diary,
Today something happened that affected all Koreans deeply. The Japanese had ordered all Sharon trees to be dug up and be burnt, and to have all cherry tree’s sapling to be given to the police headquarter, which will be used  to plant all available walkways. This is an insult to Korea, as the Sharon tree is Korea’s national plant, while the cherry tree is Japan’s national plant. However, we were lucky enough to hide a young Sharon tree in a pot covered with wood planks. Although this is against the country’s law, Omoni still was persistent on keeping that tree. For this, I look up to Omoni, quiet most of the time, but strong on the inside.

Diary entry( Hyeung-Nim's Diary)

13th May 1942   
Dear diary,
Today, my house was raided by the Japanese police, to search for treasonous writing, which was told to be in the house. However, in the end, they ended up finding some of Abuji’s work and Hyeung-Nim’s diary. The soldier who saw Hyeung-Nim’s diary was disgusted at the writings that he gestured his subordinate to throw it into the stove and burn it and Hyeng-Nim could do nothing but look at her diary burn. Even when she reaches her hand into the fire, to retrieve what was left of the book, only a few pieces of paper covered in soot were retrieved, with the rest turned to ash. Although we were angry, there was nothing we could do about it, as the Japanese were the boss of everything.

Diary entry( letters to parents)

16th May 1942
Dear diary,
Today, I finally managed to break the news to my parents about me becoming a kamikaze fighter. Although it is hard telling them, I was still able to break the news to them. I feel much more relaxed after telling them, as they will not have to worry what is happening to me, or whether I am being sent to war. Although they may feel hurt, but they would not need to fear about being bullied by the Japanese, as the Japanese respect all those family who lost their loved ones in the war. They would also have a better life, as they would be receiving supplies from the army. It is really a burden lighted off.

Letter to parents ( When becoming a kamikaze fighter)

15th June 1944
Dear family,
How have you been? Today, I am able to live up to the Rhee family, as I will be taking part in a special task that would involve a hugh amount of sacrifice.
I am willing to take up this task, as no insult from the Japanese goes unchallenged. You may not know why I am doing this, as I may not have been clear in my previous letter. I am part of the special force, called the Kamikaze. I know that you may think that I am a traitor, for taking part in such thing. However, I am doing this in order to prove the Japanese wrong about the Koreans. I am also doing this in honour of uncle. I will be flying off tomorrow, not to bomb the Americans, but to crash a plane on purpose, so that it will cripple the Japanese one way or another. I know that this will cause you some hurt, but please do remember that your son did it for our family and our country, but not for the Japanese.
Tomorrow, I will be flying off to the mission. I wish you all the best in a ways. And to Hyeung-Nim, please do work hard and do our family proud. I apologise that I am not able to meet upfront to tell you about this. All I need now is the assurance of my family.
                                                       Your son and brother,
                                                               Rhee Jae-Sun

Letter to parents ( When Jae-Sun first entered the army)

28th August 1944
Dear family,
It has been a while since you heard from me. I am writing this letter today to tell you that I am coping fine in the army, and that you need not worry for me. I am able to cope with the strict rules, and not get punished for any wrong doing.
Speaking of which, have you all received the supplies from the army? How is Hyeung-nim coping in her studies? Anyway, I also learnt many things from the army, for example, how to wash your own clothes and to patch any hole found. We also have to memorise the Emperor’s words of wisdom and inspiration. We also have to do many military training in order to build up our strength and stamina. Barley, a little dried fish, vegetables or pickles, food in the army in not  appealing, but it would give you all an easier life. Although the army needs to go for war, we still have to study about the ways of infiltrating our enemy’s base, and I thought that school was a dread. We also learn how to take apart our guns to clean them before and after using it. The army even told us that in war, our gun are our wives, without them, we are nothing. Even when it was time to sleep, we could barely catch a few winks, before being awaken by our commanders to recite the Imperial Rescript                                                                                                                                                                                              
That is all that I am writing today; hope to hear from you soon.
                                        With the deepest affection,
                                                         Your son and brother
Project Task Week 3 :

What we aim to complete:
1. brainstorm on the ways to present scrapbook.
2. Complete scrapbook visuals.
3. Sketch Tae-yul's bicycle progress.
4. Sketch everyday life of Tae-yul's
5. Write and compose the letters and posts.
6. Complete the flag of Korea

What we have completed:
1. Ways to present scrapbook. ( include bicycle parts, illusrations of the progress of th bicycle, and everyday life of Tae-yul, Korean flag.)
2. Composed some of the letters and journal entries.
3. Sketches of Tae-yul's everyday life.

What we have not complete:
1. Sketches of Tae-yul's bicycle progress.
2. The rest of the posts and journals entries.
3. Flag of Korea.
4. Scrapbook visuals.

Areas to improve on:
1. Complete the sketches.
2. Make the flag of korea look old

Thursday 7 April 2011

Photos of the Koreans during the japanese occuptaion

The Korean Flag, the country in which Tae Yul and his family stayed in.

During the Japanese Occupation, Tae-Yul worked as a worker for the japanese amry, to bulid an airstrip 

Uncle working with the resistence, to take over the Japanese.
Tae-Yul joining the imperial army
Tae-Yul becoming a kamikaze fighter

The imperial army being sent to war

After the Japanese occupation, korean men returning to their family


This is our research for the scrapbook.We are using these pictures as inspiration for the artefact that will be attached to the scrapbook. For example,we are going to remake the Korean flag. 

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Confirmed 6 Events

  1. Learning of Kanji
  2. Cutting the Sharon Trees
  3. Bicycle taken away from soldiers
  4. House search of Sun-Hee's diary
  5. Tae-Yul's letters to family
  6. The ending,where Tae-Yul returned to his family

Progress Checklist - Week 2

What we aim to complete:
1. Decide on the journals' perspective
2. Decide on the sketches and illustrations. 
3. Decide and finalise the events. 
4. Finalise how many journal entries, letters and artefacts are going to be in the scrapbook.
5.Decide on fonts
6. Change theme for blog and scrapbook.

What we have completed:
1. Font for blog 
- 14-16 or, normal to large.
2. The journal will be from Tae-yul's perspective.
3. There will be:
- 6 journal entries
- 4 letters
- pictures from the japanese occupation
- for each journal entry, there will a sketch on the progress of making Tae-yul's bicycle
- there will be sketches of Tae-yul's daily life according to the events chosen.
4. Theme for blog and scrapbook;
-for the blog, the theme must be f the olden days
- for the scrapbook, Ain will bring home the scrapbook and make it look old and the quality of the paper must be brownish and have stains so as to show that it is from the 20th century.

What we have not complete:
1. We have not started sketching.
2. Have no started writing the journal entries and letters
3. Have not searched for pictures.
4. Have not finalised events.

Materials to bring for next lesson:
1. Sketchbook
2. Colour Pencils
3. Colour pens
4. Pictures of the japanese occupation
5. Pictures of the Korean Flag
6. Scissors
7. Glue

Areas we can improve on or change:
1. Change blog theme or background to a theme that is relevant to the events and the olden days.
2. Include each group member's pictures and upload onto the blog.
3. Buy materials needed for scrapbook.

Blog Theme

We chose this theme because we thought that the texture of the background shows that this was taken place in the olden days. This is the theme of our blog as Tae-Yul's journal was written during the Japanese occupation.This texture also represents the condition of the journal and the type of paper the journal was written on.

Kanji In The Past

This is form of kanji in the past. Tae-yul used to hate learning kanji but later he found out the importance of learning it.

Sharon Tree!

This Sharon Tree represents the love for Korea from Omoni and Tae-yul and the hard work they put in to hide the tree from the Japanese.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

10 Events From The Novel

  1. The Olympic runner.
  2. Tae-yul learning Kanji from Sun-Hee.
  3. Cutting the Sharon Trees and hiding one.
  4. The making of the bicycle with Uncle.
  5. Tae-yul's bicycle is taken away by two soldier.
  6. The family finding out that Uncle is working for the resistance.
  7. House search, where the soldiers burnt Sun-Hee's diary.
  8. Tae-Yul's letters to his family,during his training in Seoul.
  9. Tae-Yul becoming a kamikaze.
  10. In the end,Tae-Yul did not die.