Wednesday 30 March 2011

Confirmed 6 Events

  1. Learning of Kanji
  2. Cutting the Sharon Trees
  3. Bicycle taken away from soldiers
  4. House search of Sun-Hee's diary
  5. Tae-Yul's letters to family
  6. The ending,where Tae-Yul returned to his family

Progress Checklist - Week 2

What we aim to complete:
1. Decide on the journals' perspective
2. Decide on the sketches and illustrations. 
3. Decide and finalise the events. 
4. Finalise how many journal entries, letters and artefacts are going to be in the scrapbook.
5.Decide on fonts
6. Change theme for blog and scrapbook.

What we have completed:
1. Font for blog 
- 14-16 or, normal to large.
2. The journal will be from Tae-yul's perspective.
3. There will be:
- 6 journal entries
- 4 letters
- pictures from the japanese occupation
- for each journal entry, there will a sketch on the progress of making Tae-yul's bicycle
- there will be sketches of Tae-yul's daily life according to the events chosen.
4. Theme for blog and scrapbook;
-for the blog, the theme must be f the olden days
- for the scrapbook, Ain will bring home the scrapbook and make it look old and the quality of the paper must be brownish and have stains so as to show that it is from the 20th century.

What we have not complete:
1. We have not started sketching.
2. Have no started writing the journal entries and letters
3. Have not searched for pictures.
4. Have not finalised events.

Materials to bring for next lesson:
1. Sketchbook
2. Colour Pencils
3. Colour pens
4. Pictures of the japanese occupation
5. Pictures of the Korean Flag
6. Scissors
7. Glue

Areas we can improve on or change:
1. Change blog theme or background to a theme that is relevant to the events and the olden days.
2. Include each group member's pictures and upload onto the blog.
3. Buy materials needed for scrapbook.

Blog Theme

We chose this theme because we thought that the texture of the background shows that this was taken place in the olden days. This is the theme of our blog as Tae-Yul's journal was written during the Japanese occupation.This texture also represents the condition of the journal and the type of paper the journal was written on.

Kanji In The Past

This is form of kanji in the past. Tae-yul used to hate learning kanji but later he found out the importance of learning it.

Sharon Tree!

This Sharon Tree represents the love for Korea from Omoni and Tae-yul and the hard work they put in to hide the tree from the Japanese.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

10 Events From The Novel

  1. The Olympic runner.
  2. Tae-yul learning Kanji from Sun-Hee.
  3. Cutting the Sharon Trees and hiding one.
  4. The making of the bicycle with Uncle.
  5. Tae-yul's bicycle is taken away by two soldier.
  6. The family finding out that Uncle is working for the resistance.
  7. House search, where the soldiers burnt Sun-Hee's diary.
  8. Tae-Yul's letters to his family,during his training in Seoul.
  9. Tae-Yul becoming a kamikaze.
  10. In the end,Tae-Yul did not die.